Airgle AG600 Replacement Titanium Pro
UV Module
The Airgle Titanium Pro UV Module features enhanced filtration technology that employs patented photocatalytic... Read More +
Average Filter Life:
  • Titanium Pro UV Module (depending on use) AG600: 12-18 months
Filtration Technology

Airgle’s most advanced systems to date. Airgle’s professional-grade purifiers address everything from particle filtration, microbiological filtration and molecular control.

tested by eliminating bacterial rate

A6-log reduction(99.9999%) in bacteria

Bacteria Removal Rate


Titanium Pro UV PCO Technology

This patented technology is a next-generation PCO system that removes VOCs, neutralize odors and kills bacteria and viruses. As pioneers in the promotion of cleaner and safer air, Airgle has developed the world’s first and only photocatalytic oxidation technology that uses a catalytic metal plate, electronic component, a germicidal UV lamp and a UV lamp ballast within one solo disposable module. Third-party testing shows the AG600 achieves a 6-log reduction (99.9999%) in bacteria.

Titanium Pro UV Module

Effective removal of bacteria and viruses

Titanium Pro UV’s surface is coated with a titanium dioxide carrier, which removes bacteria from the air and instantly converts it to harmless substances when irradiated with UV light. This module is patented in the United States.

US 8,557,188 B2 U.S Patent NO.

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